11 March 2009

Critical health services delivered to U.S. military: Soldiers go mobile using Clickatell SMS through AllOne Mobile

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Clickatell partners with AllOne Health

Redwood City, CA, March 11, 2009 - Clickatell, global mobile messaging provider, today announced its work with AllOne Health to provide real-time SMS communications for U.S. Military in need of care and services from their health care provider. As Soldiers return home with traumatic brain injuries (TBI) and other significant injuries, the U.S. Military is providing a pilot mobile health outreach program to help speed recovery and track progress through AllOne MobileSM, a wireless application that manages personal health information and is secured by Diversinet CorpWorking with Clickatell to offer text messages for important alerts and notifications, AllOne Mobile provides injured Soldiers access to case managers and other military personnel to monitor and stay in touch with service members through personalized mobile communications. Information received from Soldiers will help personalize and monitor daily care. Initially, AllOne Mobile's platform is anticipated to support the rehabilitation needs of up to 10,000 returning Soldiers in a phased implementation over the next year.

US Military Healthcare SMS Service Provider

The groundbreaking new service from AllOne Health has been built to provide the fastest, most reliable, and secure mobile health care information available today. Clickatell is used to send provisional SMS messages to "touch and remind" Soldiers to access the latest encrypted information within their secure health information application. AllOne Mobile's proprietary health information application, secured by Diversinet Corp. (TSX Venture: DIV, OTCBB: DVNTF), links participating service members recuperating at home with their case managers and unit support staff.

"Taking advantage of mobile technology within the health sector gives health care providers and patients the ability to personalize care, deploy services remotely, and promote healthier lifestyles," said Pieter de Villiers, CEO of Clickatell. "Communications on a daily, and sometimes hourly, basis can make a big difference in caring for patients through at-home mobile care programs, which also provides significant cost savings to the health care industry. With this innovative service from AllOne Health, the U.S. Military will improve communications and enhance the quality of health care through up-to-the-minute access to medical information by patients and health care providers."

Almost four billion people depend on cell phones every day - and SMS comes "built-in" to almost every phone. SMS is being used by communities, organizations, and governments worldwide to save lives and connect people. Health care along with financial services, social networking, transportation, and other industries will benefit from SMS. The Millennium Development Goals (MDG) that specifically address health as set forth by the United Nations Millennium Declaration are exploring mHealth technologies to improve health outcomes, as well as generate cost savings within the health system. The specific potential of mHealth lies in its ability to offer opportunities for information transfer capabilities that previous technologies did not. As a result of such technological advances, the capacity for improved access to information and two-way communication becomes available at the point-of-need and for health care workers at the point-of-care.

A burgeoning technology to improve the health care system as we know it today, SMS has the potential to save health care institutions--such as hospitals, insurance providers, clinics, and other patient care facilities--time and money by offering patients a way to communicate directly with health care professionals, getting to the heart of the health matter in real-time, potentially avoiding valuable office visit time and other "red-tape" issues that cause slowdowns and high costs.

"Giving Soldiers the option of real-time, direct, two-way encrypted communications with their health care workers via their mobile phone is a real benefit to these brave men and women," said William C. Reed, president, and CEO of AllOne Health. "Not only will it provide ways to speed recovery, but it will provide convenience so they can spend time at home with their families. Clickatell provides an important part of the overall communications strategy to offer these reliable mobile services around the world."

About AllOne Health

AllOne Health encourages individuals to take responsibility for their health and provides tools and services to employers and health plans to help support them. Results include better health, improved productivity, and reduced health care costs. AllOne Health pursues an integrated and comprehensive approach to providing personal health management; secure mobile access to personal health information, extensive workplace services -- including on-site health care, safety and compliance services -- and health benefits. Established in 2002, AllOne Health is headquartered in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., with offices in Boston, Mass.; Philadelphia and Lancaster, Pa.; Houston, Texas; Columbus, Ohio; Phoenix, Ariz.; and Alexandria, Va. AllOne Health has more than 1,000 customers
throughout the U.S. and in 44 countries. For more information call (888) 989-9001.

About Diversinet

Diversinet Corp. (TSX Venture: DIV, OTCBB: DVNTF) is a leading provider of wireless authentication and access solutions that secure the personal identity, transactions, and data of consumers over almost any mobile phone or handheld device. Diversinet's reliable, end-to-end MobiSecure Wallet and Vault products provide global, secure, and cost-effective solutions to mobilize personal health records, financial services transactions, and identity protection management.

About Clickatell

We create a better world through technology, making commerce in chat accessible for everyone, everywhere. Consumers can now connect with brands to find goods and services, make purchases, track orders, and resolve issues with a simple text or chat. No need for cash, phone calls, in-person interactions, or apps. Founded in 2000 with now over 10,000 customers, Clickatell is powering the digital commerce transformation. Clickatell is headquartered in Silicon Valley, CA and has offices in Canada, South Africa, and Nigeria (www.clickatell.com).

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