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How do I improve my WhatsApp template's read rates?
There are several ways to improve the read rate of your WhatsApp message templates. It is important to keep your read rates high, as low read rates might negatively impact the quality rating of your messaging template, and ultimately, lead to the disabling of your message template.
Here are some recommendations to improve the read rates of your templates:
Audience: Tailor your messages to the specific audience.
Timing: Time your marketing to correspond with the most likely period your audience will read it.
Frequency of messages: Monitor how many marketing conversations a customer receives per day and week to avoid overloading the customer.
Cooldowns: Give customers who have stopped engaging with your templates a break.
Opt-in: Follow good Opt-In practice
Opt-out: Always include the option to opt out of marketing conversations on WhatsApp.
Relevance of the message: Make sure the subject line or preview text clearly indicates the message's relevance.
Optimize the first 60-65 characters: Use the first part of your message to captivate the client.
Find out more:
How does read rate impact my marketing template's quality rating?
About your WhatsApp Business Message Template's Quality Rating
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