Help Center
How do I apply for a WhatsApp business account for my business?
To start talking with your customers via WhatsApp, you require a verified WhatsApp Business Account.
To apply for a new WhatsApp Business account, follow the steps below:
Log in to your Clickatell account and under WhatsApp, select +New WhatsApp Account & Profile.
Complete the sign-up journey in Facebook Business Manager.
Follow the prompts and complete the setup wizard.
Once completed, you will be redirected to the Clickatell Portal and guided to your next steps.
The embedded signup flow only works in web browsers and does not work on mobile devices or mobile browsers.
Note: As a registered BSP (Business Solution Provider), Clickatell assists you with the application, but we do not have control over the approval of your application.
For more information, see:
What are the eligibility requirements for a WhatsApp Business account?
Which phone number and display name should a business sign up with?
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